!! Meitnerium in the periodic table !!

Meitnerium is a chemical element with the symbol Mt and atomic number 109

A little bit more Information
group in periodic table 9
group name (none)
period in periodic table 7
block in periodic table D-block

As only a very small amount of meitnerium have ever been made, meitnerium has no uses.

The color of meitnerium is unknown but probably is a metallic or a silvery white or grey in appearance. 
the atomic weight of meitnerium is (276).
the atomic number is 109
standard size is... presumably a solid at 298 k

In August 1982 the first atom of the element meitnerium with atomic number 109 was detected at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany.  The isotope of element 109 which was discovered has an atomic mass number of 266 (that is, 266 times heavier than hydrogen). The new element was produced by fusing an iron (58Fe) and a bismuth atom (209Bi) together in a reaction that produces a neutron. This was achieved by accelerating the iron atoms to a high energy in the heavy ion accelerator UNILAC at GSI.

As only a very small amount of meitnerium have ever been made, meitnerium has no uses.
Meitnerium's most stable isotope, meitnerium-278, has a half-life of about 11 seconds. It decays into bohrium-274 through alpha decay.


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